Thursday, 21 June 2018

Whats The Best Self Defence Move?

I was asked by a well-meaning student what the "best move" was for self defense.

In other words, he was asking "Do I have to learn all of this sh!t, or can I just focus on a handful of techniques?"

I love these questions and as always I gave a straight and honest answer.

So I looked him in the eye and I said...

"The best move for self defense is...Whatever the F#CK IT TAKES!!!!

Now before you  think this is one of those ambiguous answers that instructors and teachers like to give when they really don;t know the answer to a ridiculous question, it isn't.

I was as serious as a heart attack.

Then I explained...

To really survive a life or death struggle you need to be prepared to do WHAT EVER THE F#CK IT TAKES.

The sooner you get to that point, the better off you're going to be.

Training in the SDTS will to get you to that "whatever the f#ck it takes" state of mind or the "WiTFIT moment".
Every living creature on this planet has a built in will to survive and last I checked, you're one of them. 

FEAR is your alarm system and when you sense FEAR, you automatically get ready to fight or get the hell out of there as fast as you can.
The problem is, modern society has been conditioning us to resist the need for violence so when you are in real danger, instead of fighting or escaping you're freezing and this is really bad.
Good thing we're changing things.
The SDTS bridges the gap between your natural will to survive and efficient fight actions by using techniques that are designed to take advantage of your fight or flight state of mind.
This is contrary to popular martial arts and combat sport training that require you to control, relax and pace yourself.
Sparring in the ring and fighting for you life is like comparing swimming in a pool to falling though thin ice on a lake.
Control and patience work in the ring, but when your attacked for real, your mind knows the difference and will react the way it has been programmed.
There's no fighting your body's natural reaction to violence and any effort to do so is counter productive.
Do you know what happens when you try to remain calm and do those fancy moves under real fight conditions?
They turn to crap and barely resemble what it looked like originally.
So what's the best move?
Anything that allows you to gain the tactical advantage over your target as fast as possible. Any move that you can execute while under the stress of a real fight.
If it's a swift kick to the nuts, great, an edge of hand, perfect, a right cross or a gouge to an eye - great - a chair across the head - so be it. Remember...Whatever the F#CK it takes.
The only thing that matters is which moves to use, when to use them and how to train them so you can use them instinctively with maximum power...
...and that's exactly what the SDTS Combatives Program does.
It installs protocols for you to do WHATEVER THE F#CK IT TAKES.
Now, I can't do it for you, I can only give you the tools you need. In order to get what you want, you need to take the next step and go HERE:


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