Friday, 29 June 2018

Ditch the treadmill for the 20 Minute SDTS work out

Jeremy a long time SDTS Legion member writes:
 I LOVE the SDTS!!!
As a person who has no one to train with, and a very tight time schedule, I workout by myself. Even though I'm motivated, I can only squeeze about 20 minutes out of my day to train.

I would like to see how to EFFECTIVELY to train with only 20 minutes per day. Trust me I am NOT a lazy couch potato, but I can't get any more time in.
KEEP training honestly,
Jeremy P.
Thanks for writing and I'll give you something you can do RIGHT NOW. In fact it's starting to catch on because people in the fitness world are realizing that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is the way to go. This type of training combined with resistance will build muscle, burn fat and boost metabolism.
I can go on and on about how long distance running breaks down muscle and decreases bone density that will eventually turn you into an androgynous looking old man/woman with poor posture, bad knees, bad back and a whole host of health issues. 
Anyway, the best way to retain muscle, burn fat and replicate the rhythm of combat is through the HIIT method.
I have been training in the following program myself and it will replace running intervals on a treadmill. Plus you get the REAL benefit of learning TRUE SELF DEFENSE.
You can use the format below and simply plug in different skills each time you train. One week you work through Module 1, another week the weapons drills from Module 9.
This 20 minute KICK ASS Work Out
This is from SDTS Module 1
10 Minutes: Single Strikes (30 seconds attack, 30 second rest)
Short Axe Hand (both sides) 2 Min
Long Axe hand (both sides) 2 Min
Lead Axe Hand (both sides) 2 Min
Rear Heel of Hand (both sides) 2Min
Chin Jab – Rear Hand Only (both sides) 2 Min

8 Minutes:  Combinations
Target in front
Short Axe hand, long axe hand, Chin Jab (10 times)
Short Axe hand, Rear vertical Axe hand, Knee to testicles(10 times)

Target on each side (train both sides of your body- 10 times each)
Short Axe Hand, Long Axe Hand, Heel of hand

Target to the Rear (Practice both sides with your back to the dummy - 10 times each)
Short Axe hand, Long Axe hand, Chin Jab

Melee Training 2 minutes
30 Seconds Heel of hand blasting (Just go nuts with the heel of hands)
30 Seconds 3 count chop drill
This program is great because:
First you’re concentrating on building power in each technique.
Next your programing in instinctive responses to threats from every possible approach.
Third you’re practicing finishing your threat because once you gain the position of advantage you’re going to lock in and keep going.
Finally, you’re training your body to attack, go hard and recover quickly – this is the rhythm, of combat.
To start training with Jeremy and getting the most out of your time (why bother with just doing cardio when you can learn something useful!)
No B.S. just...
Train Honestly,


Thursday, 21 June 2018

Are you a Hero, a Witness, or a Victim?

In the report below I reveal the shocking turn of events in our society which will directly impact YOU, and why you are being desperately called upon by law enforcement to help do your part Before it’s too late...
There’s a new generation of violence about to land on your doorstep. I call this “Generation V.” And it’s extremely important that you read this very urgent and confidential document.
Click here to get your free report
OH, and guess what? This issue is so important to me and is such an emergency that I have spent the last several months developing a new training video called “Protector CSI” which will change the face of self defense forever.
If you are at all interested, and I hope you are, then learn more about it right here:
Train Honestly,
Damian Ross


Whats The Best Self Defence Move?

I was asked by a well-meaning student what the "best move" was for self defense.

In other words, he was asking "Do I have to learn all of this sh!t, or can I just focus on a handful of techniques?"

I love these questions and as always I gave a straight and honest answer.

So I looked him in the eye and I said...

"The best move for self defense is...Whatever the F#CK IT TAKES!!!!

Now before you  think this is one of those ambiguous answers that instructors and teachers like to give when they really don;t know the answer to a ridiculous question, it isn't.

I was as serious as a heart attack.

Then I explained...

To really survive a life or death struggle you need to be prepared to do WHAT EVER THE F#CK IT TAKES.

The sooner you get to that point, the better off you're going to be.

Training in the SDTS will to get you to that "whatever the f#ck it takes" state of mind or the "WiTFIT moment".
Every living creature on this planet has a built in will to survive and last I checked, you're one of them. 

FEAR is your alarm system and when you sense FEAR, you automatically get ready to fight or get the hell out of there as fast as you can.
The problem is, modern society has been conditioning us to resist the need for violence so when you are in real danger, instead of fighting or escaping you're freezing and this is really bad.
Good thing we're changing things.
The SDTS bridges the gap between your natural will to survive and efficient fight actions by using techniques that are designed to take advantage of your fight or flight state of mind.
This is contrary to popular martial arts and combat sport training that require you to control, relax and pace yourself.
Sparring in the ring and fighting for you life is like comparing swimming in a pool to falling though thin ice on a lake.
Control and patience work in the ring, but when your attacked for real, your mind knows the difference and will react the way it has been programmed.
There's no fighting your body's natural reaction to violence and any effort to do so is counter productive.
Do you know what happens when you try to remain calm and do those fancy moves under real fight conditions?
They turn to crap and barely resemble what it looked like originally.
So what's the best move?
Anything that allows you to gain the tactical advantage over your target as fast as possible. Any move that you can execute while under the stress of a real fight.
If it's a swift kick to the nuts, great, an edge of hand, perfect, a right cross or a gouge to an eye - great - a chair across the head - so be it. Remember...Whatever the F#CK it takes.
The only thing that matters is which moves to use, when to use them and how to train them so you can use them instinctively with maximum power...
...and that's exactly what the SDTS Combatives Program does.
It installs protocols for you to do WHATEVER THE F#CK IT TAKES.
Now, I can't do it for you, I can only give you the tools you need. In order to get what you want, you need to take the next step and go HERE:


Tuesday, 19 June 2018

A puncher's chance.

There's an old term in boxing called a "puncher's chance".
It means that if a fighter can hit hard, even as he ages and he becomes slower, loses his endurance and his ability to go deep into the later rounds, he'll always have a chance to knock a guy out.
This is because power and your ability to hit hard are the last skills to go. I remember my high school girlfriend's grandfather was a prizefighter in the 40's. When he was pushing 70 and he could still hit like a truck.
Better yet, remember when George Foreman made a comeback at age 45 and won the heavyweight title?
Everyone though he was crazy, but he was one of the few boxers who could do it because he was a power boxer. If he were more like Sugar Ray Leonard or Muhammad Ali he wouldn't have been able to. In fact, it was because Muhammad Ali was a finesse boxer that he became an easy target in his later years. As soon as he lost a step he was done.
Now think of this in terms of your ability to defend yourself.
In the Self Defence Company Program there is a clear and distinct reason striking is valued over grappling.
Because if you don't possess the power to knock someone out with a strike, you're sure as hell aren't going to have the power or skill to grapple and submit someone.
And if you don't have the power to knock someone out, you better be using weapons!
This is why the SDTS covers ALL aspects of self defense, from empty hand to weapons because as you age or become injured your skill set changes. The end goal of you winning and surviving will always be the same, it's just that the method would change. For example, today you might be able to knock someone out with an edge of hand, 10, 15 years from now you may need a black jack to do it.
The good news is the ability to develop your power is easy. All it takes is a target and a little time.
More good news is that these striking techniques will stay with you the long after you've stopped training.
Remember the story I told you about yesterday.

The one where the SDTS Legion Member was attacked at a horror show convention. What I didn't tell you is that guy training in the SDTS years ago and had let himself get out of shape. Truth be told he hadn't really done any significant training in the SDTS in over 3 years!!!
But what happened?
Even though he was out of shape and out of practice, he STILL recalled his training, "flip the switch" and defeat his attacker.
That's one of the many reasons the SDTS is so amazing.
No matter how long after you stop training, those skills are ingrained in your muscle memory and you'll always have a "puncher's chance".
I want 100,000 new SDTS Legion Members in 2013 and I've created different pricing options to make the program fit your budget better.
Plus I've added over $1,300 in free, instant bonuses to nudge you in the right direction.
To get your puncher's chance GO HERE:
Go get yours and I'll see you on the other side.
No B.S. just...
Train Honestly,


Thursday, 4 July 2013


I have the deepest respect for anyone who will sacrifice creature comforts for physical training.

Anyone who is willing to leave their families and friends, get off their ass and do 1,000 strikes on a makiwara, take 1,000 break falls, execute 1,000 sword cuts has a will and a drive that should be respected.

The same holds true for the marathon runner or the crossfit trainer who gets up a 5am to prepare. Leaving a warm bed for the chill of the morning air is a quality I want in anyone on my team.

This goes way beyond getting out of your comfort zone.

It's about pushing yourself to limits you never thought you had. It's getting to the point where you think you can't take another step but you manage to move your foot. When you're at this point, you've reached an amazing place few people have ever known.

We call this "Meeting the Devil".

This is when you become betrayed by your body. This is when you get so fatigued that your body begins to purge itself and you it literally betrays you.

There's a great saying "Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All."

No matter how tough you are you have a point where you will be too tired to care. To tired to care about anything, even your own life.
No matter how big, how strong, how many techniques you know or how many weapons you have at your disposal, there is a point where you will be rendered USELESS. There is a point where you will be a push over.
In the real world you need to avoid getting to this point.
This means you must accomplish your goal as fast as possible. And while you may be able to run a great distance and lift a lot of weight or spar for hours on end, when that HOT SHOT of adrenaline hits your veins it will literally suck the energy right out of you. Because there is a HUGE difference between fighting in the ring and fighting for your life.
When you fight for your life, seconds feel like hours and minutes feel like days.
You need to do is end any situation as fast as possible, before you "Meet the Devil". Because once the devil shows up, you're done like dinner.
Remember, the mind controls the body and your body will betray you. Don't give your body a chance to let you down.
Strike first, strike fast - repeat as needed.

No B.S. just...
Train Honestly,
                         Damien Ross